Keep safe this summer with live-in care | The Good Care Group

Keep safe this summer with live-in care

Summertime is a time to relax in the garden and enjoy the sun. However, our elderly loved ones may face unique challenges brought on by the heat. The summer months can pose significant health concerns for older adults, from concerns about dehydration to the risks of heat exhaustion.

With a dedicated carer by their side, your loved one can enjoy the summer with confidence while your family enjoys peace of mind. From personalised assistance with heat management to companionship and social engagement, live-in care offers a holistic approach to ensuring your loved one’s safety and comfort throughout the warmer seasons.

These are just some of the benefits of having a live-in care team on hand for your loved one during summer.

Why is summer a concern for older adults?

While summer brings visions of picnics, beach outings, and leisurely strolls, it also brings a set of unique challenges for elderly individuals. Understanding why summer can be particularly concerning for seniors is crucial for ensuring their safety and well-being during the warmer months.

Increased risk of dehydration

During hot weather, seniors are more susceptible to dehydration due to factors such as decreased thirst sensation and medication side effects. The higher temperatures and increased perspiration can lead to fluid loss, putting seniors at greater risk of dehydration, which can have serious health implications.

Higher risk of heat-related illnesses

Seniors are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Age-related changes in the body’s ability to regulate temperature, along with underlying health conditions, make elderly individuals more prone to heat-related complications, which can be life-threatening if not promptly addressed.

Adapting to the seasonal summer climate

These are just some of the benefits of having a live-in care team on hand for your loved one during summer:

Exacerbation of existing health conditions

Hot weather can exacerbate existing health conditions, including respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and mobility issues. High temperatures can increase fatigue, exacerbate breathing difficulties, and worsen symptoms of chronic conditions, making it challenging for seniors to manage their health effectively.

Sun-related skin damage

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to sunburn and skin damage, particularly for elderly individuals with thin, fragile skin. Sunburn can cause discomfort and increase the risk of skin infections, while long-term sun exposure can contribute to the development of skin cancer, making sun protection crucial for seniors during the summer months.

Limited mobility and social isolation

For elderly individuals with limited mobility or health concerns, the heat can further restrict their ability to engage in outdoor activities and socialise with others. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, impacting their mental and emotional well-being.

How can live-in care help?

Heat stroke and hyperthermia pose significant risks for older individuals during the summer months. Factors such as poor circulation, high blood pressure, illnesses, and medications can increase susceptibility to elevated body temperatures, making proactive care essential.

Here’s how live-in care can provide the support your loved ones need:

Monitoring for Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is a medical condition characterised by an elevated body temperature, often referred to as ‘heatstroke’. It occurs when the body’s heat-regulating mechanisms are overwhelmed by external heat, leading to an increase in core body temperature. Hyperthermia can range from mild heat exhaustion to severe heat stroke, which is an immediate medical emergency.

Elderly people are particularly at risk of hyperthermia due to age-related changes in their body’s ability to regulate temperature, coupled with factors such as poor circulation, chronic health conditions, and certain medications.

Live-in carers are vigilant around the clock, watching for warning signs of hyperthermia. They can promptly intervene with cooling techniques like mid-temperature bathing to help lower body temperature and prevent heat-related complications.

Ambient temperature control

Preventing hyperthermia starts with controlling the environment. Live-in carers monitor ambient temperatures and utilise fans or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable indoor climate, typically below 26 degrees Celsius, reducing the risk of overheating.

Strategic planning based on weather forecasts

Live-in carers monitor weather forecasts to anticipate high temperatures and humidity levels. This proactive approach allows them to adjust care plans accordingly, ensuring your loved one’s safety and comfort. They will also plan appropriate activities to keep older adults engaged, even when hot temperatures prevent outings outside of the home.

Expert guidance on dressing

Ensuring your loved one wears appropriate attire is crucial for summer comfort and safety. Live-in carers can offer recommendations on loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing to prevent overheating while ensuring adequate sun protection with sunscreen and hats.

Promote hydration

Adequate hydration is essential for regulating body temperature and overall well-being for everyone, but it’s particularly important for the elderly during the summer months. Live-in carers ensure your loved one stays hydrated, recognising early signs of dehydration and encouraging fluid intake throughout the day.

Medication management in the heat

Heat can impact medication efficacy and appetite, posing additional risks for older adults. Live-in carers are trained to address these concerns, communicating with medical professionals to ensure medications are stored correctly and adjusting care plans as needed.

Tips for keeping your loved ones safe

Here are some essential tips to help keep your family and safe and comfortable during the hot summer months:

  • Stay hydrated: Encourage your loved one to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, even if they don’t feel thirsty. To prevent dehydration, try offering water, herbal teas, and hydrating fruits like watermelon.
  • Cooling measures: Use fans, air conditioning, or cooling towels to create a cool environment. Encourage your loved one to take cool showers or baths and use lightweight, breathable clothing to help regulate body temperature.
  • Sun protection: Protect your loved one from the sun’s harmful rays by applying sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, wearing wide-brimmed hats, and seeking shade during peak sun hours.
  • Medication management: Ensure your loved one’s medications are stored properly and not exposed to high temperatures, which can affect their efficacy.
  • Stay indoors during peak heat: Encourage your loved one to limit outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Regular check ins: Stay connected with your loved one and check on them regularly, especially during heat waves or extreme temperatures. Look out for signs of heat-related illness, such as confusion, dizziness, or rapid heartbeat.

Award-winning live-in care

With over 10 years of experience, The Good Care Group provides high-quality live-in care, keeping clients safe and happy in the comfort of their own homes while improving their overall health and well-being.

We offer highly personalised, one-to-one care that reflects individual needs, choices, wishes and social preferences, allowing clients to maintain their independence and enjoy their preferred lifestyle.

To find out more, contact our friendly team or download our brochure.

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