Coronavirus – overview
At The Good Care Group, we appreciate what a worrying and disconcerting time it has been for us all, as we face the unprecedented challenges to our daily life and adapt to living with Coronavirus in our communities.
As we have seen across the world, whilst the Coronavirus can infect people of all ages evidence has shown that older people (over the age of 60) and those with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms of the disease, including those living with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disease.
Since the start of the outbreak in the UK we have been working tirelessly with our teams to protect and support our clients, whilst ensuring our teams own safety, health and wellbeing.
We are proud that we have maintained incredibly low transmission rates of Coronavirus in our live-in care placements, which is testament to the dedication and commitment of our teams to keep both themselves and their clients safe, by respecting and adopting all guidance issued by both The Good Care Group and the UK Government.
Live-in care is the safest type of care for older people during the Coronavirus pandemic as we can ensure effective shielding through dedicated one to one care, staff movement is minimal and footfall in the home can be controlled. As we have seen through published data and media reports, the situation in residential care and nursing homes has sadly been catastrophic. Find out more about why live-in care continues to be the safest care environment and how our live-in care service can help you or your loved one during the pandemic and beyond, ensuring you receive highest quality care in a safe, secure and familiar environment – your home.
A few words from Darren Kennedy, Managing Director: “ At The Good Care Group we have worked, and continue to work tirelessly to ensure the safety of both our professional care team and our clients during these difficult times. Since the beginning of the pandemic our absolute focus has been on minimising the risk whilst continuing to deliver an outstanding service focused on improving the health and wellbeing of our clients. I am truly grateful for the unwavering commitment of everyone, across all roles within the business. I have also been overwhelmed by the support and kindness shown by both our clients and their families”.
No matter what ‘the new normal’ looks like, we remain committed to providing unrivalled family support, so our client’s families feel assured their loved one is receiving the very best care. We’ll continue to support our carers by providing them with the latest guidance and advice, as well as providing them with creative ways to ensure they look after their own personal health and wellbeing, as they continue to dedicate themselves to the care and support of our clients. For families we are using our market leading digital technology to offer much-needed reassurance about their loved one’s health and the care they are receiving, as well as providing them with an opportunity to stay in touch and feel connected, even if they are unable to visit.
We know that you may have many questions relating to care of a loved one during the Coronavirus pandemic. Read our Coronavirus FAQs.

Talk to us today
Our live-in care is rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission in all five key areas so you can be assured of the very highest quality care. To find out how we can help you and your family during the Coronavirus pandemic, please contact our friendly and approachable care advisors. We are here to help you every step of the way.