Stress Awareness Month | Support at The Good Care Group

Stress Awareness Month – Support at The Good Care Group

Working in the care industry can be stressful and sometimes the demands of the role can be a challenge. Here at The Good Care Group, we aim to support you through these stressful times and help you recognise the signs and manage your stress levels. 

Stress can affect everyone differently. Whether that’s mentally, causing anxiety or depression; to physical, like digestive disorders, skin conditions and ultimately burning out. We want to help you spot the signs before the stress becomes too much. Recognising the signs of work-related stress can prevent long-term impact. 

The signs can include: 

  • Memory loss 
  • Confusion 
  • Tiredness 
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions

How can we support you?

If you notice that you are beginning to feel overwhelmed or stressed it’s important to reach out. The Good Care Group has several different options and ways to support you. 

Across The Good Care Group, help is always on hand. We have monthly catch-ups and 1:1’s, a regular time for you to explain how you’re feeling and discuss your workload or the aspects of your job that you’re finding stressful. You may find it easier to speak to a stranger, that’s where our Employee Assistance Programme comes in, it’s available to support you with any challenges that might adversely impact your well-being, health, and work performance. It’s an independent and entirely confidential service. It’s available any time, any day, by phone, email or online. The service provides information, resources, and counselling on any of the challenges that life may bring. 

Another way to avoid burnout or work-related stress is providing up-to-date training and options for personal development or upskilling. This helps to build your confidence and potentially reduce stress around performance. All our carers have attended our five-day training course, this is to ensure they have the right skill-set and attitude to perform their positions to the best of their ability.  Additional training is provided to carers who may care for someone with a complex condition, as well as yearly online refresher courses, to ensure our carers are up-to-date and feel confident. 

We have also developed our Carer Community. This forum for our carers is a great opportunity to share your experiences on what helps you and how to support others. More recently a new group has been added to the Carer Community called ‘Carer Wellbeing’. The group has been set up by our Admiral Nurse, Dr Jane Pritchard, who will be posting information about how to maintain and improve your sense of well-being.  Dr Jane believes its important to remember the benefits of simple things when managing stress like exercise, eating well and getting enough sleep. 

Starting a new role can be stressful and daunting, we have tried to tackle this by creating a Buddy Scheme. Every carer joining our team is paired with an experienced professional carer providing invaluable support and knowledge to help you during the first few months with The Good Care Group. 

A recent review on our Glassdoor page: 

“Not only does TGCG provide the best care for their clients, but also as employees we get the best support too in all ways needed. Great support from the managers, and other staff in different departments. Overall I am glad and happy to be a part of TGCG”

We aim to promote good physical and mental health to reduce work-related stress. We offer a supportive environment and are here for you 24/7. If you’re looking for a role with ongoing support, simply click here to apply. You can also find out more here on how you can reduce your stress levels in the workplace.

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Talk to us about your care needs

To talk about your care needs contact one of our friendly advisors. Calls from landlines are free.

0203 728 7577

Enquiry Form

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